
Brad Sampson, CEO of Kore Potash, explains the company’s vision, strategy and projects in more depth in the following video

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Kore Potash Plc (AIM: KP2, ASX: KP2, JSE: KP2, A2X: KP2) is an advanced stage mineral exploration and development company that is incorporated in England and Wales and listed on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and the JSE Limited (JSE) in South Africa.

Through the development of the Sintoukola potash basin in the Republic of Congo (RoC), Kore Potash is working to bring a number of globally significant potash deposits into production. Focus is on two high-grade projects: Kola and DX.

Focus is currently on high-grade project Kola with a planned production of 2.2 million tonnes per annum of Muriate of Potash over 31 year life.

Kore’s projects aim to be among the world’s lowest-cost potash producers due to their favourable location, large size, very high-grade and shallow depth of the deposits.

The Company’s major shareholders include the Oman Investment Authority (OIA) and global lithium and potash producer, Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM). The projects are well supported by the government of the RoC with whom Kore has an excellent relationship.

“From the ground up”

The Kore Potash logo depicts our purpose; the production of potash

K2O is the formula for potassium oxide: “Kore” (phonetically) is representative of the core of rock extracted by the core drilling process that is an essential part of our exploration and resource work.

The fertility of vegetation: In Greek mythology, Kore is the daughter of Zeus and the personification of vegetation, associated with spring as well as the fertility of vegetation.

From the ground up: Our slogan references the mining process of extracting the ore as well as the benefit that crops derive from the application of potassium.

Our values


Partnering with all stakeholders to grow stronger together with passion and integrity.


Provide high quality potash globally by designing innovative solutions that consistently deliver optimal value.


All our business activities are carried out to world leading standards of honesty and professionalism. We take accountability for our actions.


In everything we do we will show our respect to our colleagues, employees, stakeholders and the community around us. We strive to make the workplace an enjoyable atmosphere, enabling performance excellence.


We empower our employees and stakeholders to be creative in their thinking and actions to keep the Company moving forward. Our aim is to be renowned for solving today’s problems with tomorrow’s solutions. We promise to always challenge the status quo.


The essence to the achievement of our mission is to work together as a Team, to share ideas, responsibilities and create the best solution through working together. We aim to be united as one Team with one vision.